BasicMathSkills AddSubtractDecimals InverseOperations
ComplementarySupplementary MultiplyDecimals NumberProperties
item8 Exponents OrderofOperations-GEMA1
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AreaofParallelogram AddSubtractFractions Quadrilaterals1
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AreaofTriangle mixednumbers
CirclesandPi Integers ClassNews
Circumference AddSubtractIntegers item32
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Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers

If you can add and subtract fractions, then you can add and subtract mixed numbers! The process is basically the SAME…and, like with adding and subtracting, there are multiple methods and you need to select the method that best wors for Y-O-U.

Before you do ANYTHING, be sure that you are very good at adding and subtracting with fractions. This will be KEY. Practice your regular ol' fraction addition and fraction and then try the mixed numbers.

Are you ready? Okay!

Before we begin, you must remember the two rules when adding and subtracting fractions:

Rule #1: When adding/subtracting fractions,

In order to be able to add or subtract fractions, the fractions must share a common denominator.

Rule #2: When all calculations

Here's the problem:

Step 1: Show all your
Step 2: Find the whole
Step 3: Find the fractions.
Step 4: Add the whole

Subtraction is the same; you simpy SUBTRACT instead of add. Let's see what happens when you have to re-group!

Step 1: Show all your
Step 2: Find the whole
Step 3: Find the fractions.
Step 4: Subtract the whole
Step 5: Put the two

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