Now, when it comes to multiplying and dividing integers, things are definitely NOT as they may appear. Yep, if you can believe this magic, it is actually quite SIMPLE! Woo-hoo! Finally, something that is easy-peasy, lemon squeasy!
If you can remember waaaay back to elementary school, multiplication is kind of a 'faster' way to add. And, inversely, dividing integers is a quicker way to subtract! So, if you think of these operations in THIS way…it will ALL make sense.
The pattern is so simple here that you are going to wonder why you ever thought it was difficult to begin with. It is all a matter of counting and making pairs. Follow along, please.
If the sign pairs match, make a smiley face.
If the sign pairs do NOT match, make an unhappy face.
Happy face = answer is POSITIVE
Unhappy face = answer is NEGATIVE