Learning how to change a fraction to a decimal is a GREAT skill as well as an important one because it will help you convert fractions into percents and you know how critical knowing percents can be.
Knowing that a fraction is a division problem, makes this concept not only simple, but very rational. In other words, it makes SENSE!
So, let's take a look at this fraction and see how to convert it to a decimal.
Step 1: Mark the Numerator
- Begin by marking the numerator.
Marking the numerator helps you separate the dividend from the divisor.
Step 2: Flip the Mark
- Flip the mark over.
- This turns the fraction into a regular-looking division problem.
Step 3: Divide
- Divide, just like you normally would. Keep dividing until there are no remainders. That's when you are finished!
- Note: For this example, it is necessary to include a decimal point with some zeros in the dividend. A short-cut division method is also used.