BasicMathSkills AddSubtractDecimals InverseOperations
ComplementarySupplementary MultiplyDecimals NumberProperties
item8 Exponents OrderofOperations-GEMA1
VerticalAngles FactorTrees item3
AreaofPolygons Fractions ProportionsRatios
AreaofParallelogram AddSubtractFractions Quadrilaterals1
AreaofRectangle multiplyfractions RationalNumbers
AreaofSquare dividefractions SieveofEratosthenes
AreaofTrapezoid lowesttermsfractions
AreaofTriangle mixednumbers
CirclesandPi Integers ClassNews
Circumference AddSubtractIntegers item21
AreaofCircle MultiplyDivideIntegers item17
Homework for 7th Graders

Homework is usually assigned Monday through Thursday. The Math Assignment Standards are to be followed for all assignments.

We rarely use a textbook in our class. IF it is necessary, you may download a digital copy of the textbook. textbook

Practice your Square Roots and Square Numbers at home! Download a set of game cards here. Square Numbers/Roots Game Cards

Square Root Perfect Squares



The Roots of Life

Square Root Game

©2009–2012 Sherry Skipper Spurgeon.

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