BasicMathSkills AddSubtractDecimals InverseOperations
ComplementarySupplementary MultiplyDecimals NumberProperties
item8 Exponents OrderofOperations-GEMA1
VerticalAngles FactorTrees item3
AreaofPolygons Fractions ProportionsRatios
AreaofParallelogram AddSubtractFractions Quadrilaterals1
AreaofRectangle multiplyfractions RationalNumbers
AreaofSquare dividefractions SieveofEratosthenes
AreaofTrapezoid lowesttermsfractions
AreaofTriangle mixednumbers
CirclesandPi Integers ClassNews
Circumference AddSubtractIntegers item24
AreaofCircle MultiplyDivideIntegers item16
Finding the Area of a

We'll start with a square and use the variable s to stand for 'side.' Square begins with 's' anyway, right? So, it's easy to remember s stands for side!

Let's say each tile is 1-cm.

Then, one side (s) would be 4-cm, right?

s = 4 cm

Now, if you just counted the tiles, you will come up with 16 square tiles so the area of this square is 16 square cm.

Think: what is another way you could get this number?

Can you come up with a formula?

Was it, perchance, something like…


The capital A indicates 'Area' and the little sub-script s indicates the shape 'square.'

Perfect! That's it! So, using the Substitution Property…and, then working it out…

4 cm • 4 cm


(4 cm)   =

Remember: Since the cm is also squared, the units will be 'square units.'


You can always look for the right angle (what shape indicates a right angle?) to help you determine the sides of a square. What is the area of this square?

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